Thursday, September 23, 2010

beautiful things

Hello! I apologize for the huge wait between posts, but I am constantly lost beneath a giant pile of homework, and it rightly demands my attention! But here are some beautiful things going on in life lately :)

1) My job. As of Wednesday, I don't have one. But these last days are sweet and wonderful with the most incredible staff I've ever met. Today's staff meeting was filled with everyone crying and telling stories. I am sad to leave, but they can't really get rid of me. I'll be back as a volunteer for sure. I also look forward to whatever God has for me. It's an exciting adventure into the future!!

2) School. I am working my butt off, and I love it. I love learning, and I even love locking myself in my room at my desk for hours to get things done. I love working for my grades, and I love the fact that I am going to show USF, Florida, and myself that I am worthy of the scholarships they reinstated.

3) The weather. It has been perfect perfect perfect beach weather, and I am taking full advantage of it. I mostly go alone with a book, which suits me fine. I often say that I want to climb into the sun and sleep, just to be in the warmth by the waves. It resonates with me, heals me.

4) October. It is quickly approaching! October is my favorite month. I love the beginning of the holidays, the change in weather, everything. October is also the hardest month of the year for me. I deal with a lot of sadness, and some big event always occurs in my life during this month. However, this year will be different. I have hope in Jesus that He is going to bring me to the other side. I will celebrate.

5) James. Have I ever mentioned how much my nephew rocks? No? Well, he does. He is the light of my life and every time I see him I just want to eat him up. Or inhale his cute little sweetness, just so I can carry it around with me. Isn't it cool thinking God sees us like that? It blows my mind. I love James more than life itself, I can't imagine what God feels for me.

6) I'm a woman. I love this. I am learning to celebrate it.

I hope that September has brought you joy and peace.
And I pray October brings you into a season of change and love.
He is good, through all seasons of life.


  1. Wow, you sound like you're doing so wonderfully Sarah! I'm so happy!! I love going to the beach with a book — wish I wasn't so far away from a beach, though! And I love October, also (it is my Birthday month!). I hope it brings you lots of love and hope this time around. And being a woman is great, isn't it? I have to say that being able to wear dresses and skirts is a perk in my book. XOX.

  2. October's my birthday month too! I'm so glad you're happy. It sounds like you're doing wonderfully in school, keep it up! I'm so proud of you. I wish I was closer to a beach too, and that it was warm enough to go :)

  3. Sarah, I'm so jealous that you are close to the beach when I'm not. Also, I'm jealous that you have time to read for recreation! I miss real books that have nothing to do with academics!

    Miss you,
    Sarah xoxo
